Citrix ICA SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust
If you see error 9, 4005, 4013, or 4014 when you restore Oct 07, 2019 "The serial number you entered is not valid." during The license changed from serial number to "Sign In" without serial number. The serial number is for a network license rather than a stand-alone license. The serial number does not match the media (or product key) used either during installation or during initial activation of the product. The serial number has been upgraded to a new release.
I dont understand why it is trying to convert to a number in the firtst place, as it is the text values I want. I have removed the last step in power query. Thanks
Jun 27, 2014 Citrix ICA SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust
postgresql,postgresql-9.3 , Return error number
Error: A number is out of range while viewing PDF or
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