encryption - Decrypt PGP file using ASC key - Super User

Oct 29, 2018 · gpg --import ./my-priv-gpg-key.asc # You can also directly import a key from a server # For example, import the DevDungeon/NanoDano public GPG key from MIT gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv C104CDF0EDA54C82 Push your public key to key server. You may want or need to publish your public key somewhere where everyone can find it. gpg -se -r Bob file sign and encrypt for user Bob gpg --clearsign file make a clear text signature gpg -sb file make a detached signature gpg --list-keys user_ID show keys gpg --fingerprint user_ID show fingerprint gpg --verify pgpfile, gpg --verify sigfile [ files] Verify the signature of the file but do not output the data. To force import, you will have to delete both the private and public key first (gpg --delete-keys and gpg --delete-secret-keys) Enigmail / GnuPG v2. Note that you probably also have gpg2 on your system which is backwards-compatible with gpg, but seems to manage a separate list of keys. When using Thunderbird with Enigmail, note that it uses gpg --list-secret-keys. To generate a short list of numbers that you can use via an alternative method to verify a public key, use: gpg --fingerprint > fingerprint This creates the file fingerprint with your fingerprint info. To encrypt data, use: gpg -e -u "Sender User Name" -r "Receiver User Name" somefile gpg --import key.gpg gpg --import key.asc Only merge updates for keys already in key-ring: gpg --import key.asc --merge-options merge-only Managing your keyring. Generate a new key: gpg --gen-key # or, generate a new key with dialogs for all options gpg --full-gen-key List public keys: gpg -k gpg --list-keys List secret keys:

@dani-h You need gnupg-curl to use HTTPS if you are using GPG 1.x. – Tao Wang Oct 27 '17 at 5:08 apt-key adv --fetch-keys will only fetch one key from the URL, and if the URL contains multiple keys, please use wget | apt-key add instead.

gpg --import key.gpg gpg --import key.asc Only merge updates for keys already in key-ring: gpg --import key.asc --merge-options merge-only Managing your keyring. Generate a new key: gpg --gen-key # or, generate a new key with dialogs for all options gpg --full-gen-key List public keys: gpg -k gpg - … Gpg4win - Secure email and file encryption with GnuPG for Getting started. We help you to use Gpg4win. Learn the basics about Gpg4win and get in the world of cryptography. The best point to start is with the illustrative Gpg4win Compendium. David Aspinall's Instant GPG HOWTO

GnuPG Public Key | OpenVPN

Save it as monero-wallet-generator.html.asc, then: gpg --verify monero-wallet-generator.html.asc You should see a message similar to: gpg: Good signature from "moneromooo-monero " Check the signature is from the key you imported previously!