Feb 10, 2017

Ways to Access Your Files From Anywhere Cloud Computing - Remote File Servers. To remotely access files from anywhere without having to … Should you leave your external hard drive connected 24/7 Can I use an existing external hard drive that is in use now. if I use the Genie instead of the programme being used now or do I need to buy a new external hard drive. Do I need to format the existing hard drive first before using Genie Timeline 2014. I would like to use this one as it seems so simple. Yours. Patricia

External Hard Drives - Discussion Topics - eero Community

Add a line to the file /etc/fstab ( gksudo gedit /etc/fstab) - at the end of the file add this line: // /media/public smbfs guest 0 0. Save your newly updated fstab file then remount your drives ( sudo mount -a ); you should now be able to … use my external hard drive connected to my router as my Jan 08, 2020

Can't access network drive plugged into the router USB

Sep 26, 2018