Sep 12, 2019 · Network Load Balancers also support a smart certificate selection algorithm with SNI. If the hostname indicated by a client matches multiple certificates, the load balancer determines the best certificate to use based on multiple factors including the client TLS capabilities.

What Is SNI (Server Name Indication)? How Does It Work? Nov 17, 2017 Elastic Load Balancing: Network Load Balancers now support Sep 12, 2019 GitHub - inconshreveable/slt: A TLS reverse proxy with SNI

The HTTPS-Only Standard - Server Name Indication

supports SNI for an iPhone application On clients, you will need to set the server name with SSL_set_tlsext_host_name. On servers, its more involved because you deal with a callback. For an example, see Serving multiple domains in one box with SNI. 2027694 < Main < EmergingThreats

A TLS reverse proxy with SNI multiplexing in Go. Contribute to inconshreveable/slt development by creating an account on GitHub.

What Is SNI (Server Name Indication)? How Does It Work? Nov 17, 2017 Elastic Load Balancing: Network Load Balancers now support Sep 12, 2019 GitHub - inconshreveable/slt: A TLS reverse proxy with SNI A TLS reverse proxy with SNI multiplexing in Go. Contribute to inconshreveable/slt development by creating an account on GitHub.